(716) 940-8963

Self-Care and Active Lifestyles for Kids

blog picture for best educational elementary school assemblies performer magician Cris Johnson

Most adults recognize they can function significantly better by allowing themselves time to relax and unwind. Self-care, though, is just as crucial to the lives of children as it is to adults. They also need time to reset and refresh to prepare for the days ahead. As an adult, you can help them achieve this, thanks to these tips from Cris Johnson’s Amazing School Assemblies & Library Shows.

Be a Role Model

Children often reflect the characteristics of their parents, such as language, behavior, gestures, and habits. To become a good role model, ensure your habits and behavior are what you want to see mirrored in your children’s lives.

  • Healthy living. Childhood obesity increases the risk of depression. By eating properly and doing regular exercise, you set an excellent example for your kids.
  • Help others. Teach your children the importance of meeting the needs of others by volunteering. 
  • Maintain self-control. If you feel you’re about to lose your cool, for whatever reason, don’t do it in front of the children. Calm down by going for a run or going to the gym.
  • Be nice. Hey Sigmund notes that toxic relationships affect kids. Even if you despise your ex-partner, detest the neighbor, or have a severe dislike for someone at work, try to be nice to them in front of your children. 
  • Listen to your kids. Your children can gain more confidence if you show them respect by listening to their unique thoughts and ideas. 
  • Encourage therapy when needed. Sometimes occasions arise when third-party therapy sessions are beneficial, including options for virtual counseling.
  • Be positive. It’s difficult for children to avoid all the negativity in the world today. Avoid adding to their experiences. Instead, display a positive attitude in front of them.
  • Stay active. By making exercise a priority, your kids can develop a similar sense. Also, try to add more movement to your day: park as far as possible from store entrances, walk wherever you can and always take the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator.

Your job as a role model doesn’t need to stop there. You can go further by helping reduce stress in your family’s life by establishing ground rules and creating a schedule that everyone understands.

Self-Care Ideas for Kids

Your kids can learn self-care while having fun at the same time. An essential aspect of self-care is taking care of physical health. Kids can achieve this by:

  • Going for a bike ride
  • Deep breathing
  • Doing stretches

If you’re new to parenting and you haven’t heard those immortal words yet, “I can do it myself,” you’re likely to hear them at some point. It’s important kids learn tasks, such as:

  • Washing, dressing, and undressing themselves
  • Brushing their teeth and hair
  • Getting their own drink or snack
  • Helping with washing up
  • Putting themselves to bed

Fun activities that help your kids refresh and reset that don’t involve looking at a screen include:

Creating a Healthy Home Environment

Having a healthy and peaceful home environment helps your child’s brain development, lowers the risk of accidents, and improves mood and air quality. You can achieve this by:

  • Decluttering
  • Bringing in houseplants
  • Adding an oil diffuser
  • Add refreshing scents
  • Installing a fireguard
  • Ensuring enough light

Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids

Children learn fast, and much of what they absorb at a young age comes from you, their parent. They need to refresh and reset just as you do. They can do this easily if you establish a positive attitude, avoid confrontation, and instill healthy habits.

Cris Johnson’s Amazing School Assemblies & Library Shows provides elementary assembly programs that are unforgettable, educational, and fun with motivational programs that include magic, music, and CLEAN comedy. Connect with Cris today to find out more! 716-940-8963