A. “Lots of things! First, I provide teacher support materials for all of my school assemblies to ensure that schools get the most value out of my programs. After the assembly is over the students will continue to benefit with these simple, easy-to-use classroom discussion ideas.
Also, regardless of which topic you select, the entire show is based on the topic you choose. Some assembly presenters show off whatever skill they have for 40 minutes of a 45 minute program then talk about the topic for only 5 minutes. Not me! The entire show is based on your topic. The magic, music and comedy in all of his shows is used to reinforce the message. Kids remember the magic trick as well as the message that went with it.
Another thing that separates me from other presenters is the fact that I have a very special technique to reduce the energy level of the children at the end of the show, making it so easy for teachers to walk the students back to their classrooms. Teachers LOVE this!!
Finally, I offer a “Better-Than-Money-Back” Guarantee…if for any reason you don’t feel I delivered what you expected, not only will I give you a full refund but I will also donate $500 to your school’s PTA/PTO…and in 20+ years of performing all across North America, NO ONE has ever taken me up on my guarantee!”
A. “In the past, I’ve traveled to 38 states across the country, as well as Canada, to present one of my extremely popular character education school assembly programs. These days, when live shows come back, I try to stick to the Northeastern states, performing school assemblies in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, etc.
I’ll even arrange all of my own travel and hotel accommodations so there is no hassle for you! For libraries and other community events, my travel area is smaller – I travel across Western New York, from Niagara County (where I live) out toward the Finger Lake area as well as parts of Pennsylvania. If a series of libraries book in one concentrated span of days, I can travel further for libraries, too.
“Additionally, if you are outside of my typical travel area, I can offer you fun & amazing interactive virtual programs! Just ask me for details.”
A. “I will need a space that is about 20 feet wide and 10 feet deep. I bring a couple of tables and some good size props and backdrops for my interactive, magic filled school assembly programs. I have performed in cafeterias, gymnasiums and even the new multi-use rooms. For libraries and community events, I can adjust my show to fit the situation. I will adapt to your needs. For most library programs, I need a space that is about 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep. Regardless of your situation, I guarantees I’ll be the easiest school assembly presenter or library presenter you bring to your school or library!”
A. “Nope! I bring all of my own PA equipment, including microphone. I want to ask as little as possible from the school. The daily lives of everyone at a school – kids, teachers, faculty – is complicated enough without worrying about the needs of a diva performer who expects their own dressing room and bowl of green M&Ms!”
A. “Although I’ve done hundreds of highly successful elementary school assemblies for the entire student body in a school, I have found that breaking the students into two assemblies allows me to offer presentations geared to the comprehension level of the group. Obviously a second grade student and a fifth grade one will comprehend things on very different levels. It is an option that some schools like, and it’s just one more thing that sets my programs apart from the other presenters out there.”
A. “Not much! If I am within driving distance to your school or library, I will need access to a normal power outlet to plug in my state-of-the-art sound system and an area to perform. If I need to fly to your area, I will need the school to provide a PA system. I provide my own microphone and can easily plug into virtually any sound system. That’s all I need!”
A. “My programs are all designed to set up in about 35 minutes each. I typically arrive at the school about 75 minutes before my first show. It takes time to check in at the office. Then I have to be shown where and how to bring my equipment in. Once all of my stuff is in the assembly area, then I can set up. I’ll need the same amount of time to break down my equipment too. If I’m performing in a gym or auditorium that’s being used by another teacher, they will have to be made aware that I’ll be invading their space!”
A. “Absolutely not! I have different magic tricks and routines for each different show and topic. Many schools have invited me back multiple times in one year specifically because I have a great deal of different material for every school assembly program.”
A. “Simple. There are a lot of people out there claiming to have school assembly programs with real motivational/educational value, but sadly many aren’t worth your time or money. I offer such a strong guarantee so my clients can rest easy knowing that all of my programs contain high quality, curriculum based content on topics schools need to address. I am proud to say that in 22 years of full-time performing no one has ever taken me up on my guarantee.”
A. “Most of my promo material is right here on the website, and easily downloadable. That being said, I understand that many times it is one person’s responsibility to gather information and then pass it on to a committee or school official. Simply fill out the contact form on the page of the show you are interested in hosting. You’ll get information on that specific show sent to your inbox automatically.
“Finally, most of the information is available for download instantly! You can visit my ‘Contact Us’ page, fill it out, and click ‘submit’ and you will be taken to a download page where all of the information will be available to you in PDF form!”
A. “Yes, I am fully insured and will be glad to email you a copy of my insurance certificate. There has never been any kind of ‘incident’ at any of my thousands of performances, but I maintain an insurance policy for my clients’ peace of mind.”
A. “I offer generous discounts for schools that book multiple programs. I also offer ‘block booking’ discounts if more than one school in the area books programs. And don’t forget about my fundraising programs to help offset your investment!”
“Cris was able to keep an audience of young children along with their teachers captivated for 45 minutes. The show was well presented, dynamic, tied to reading and very entertaining. His upbeat show along with his sense of humor and timing provide an excellent program for students. I would recommend this program for schools without hesitation!”
NancyJean Osborn, Principal
Byron-Bergen Central School
Bergen, New York
“Great control of the audience with an appropriate message!”
Dan Bracey, Principal
Washington Middle School
Jamestown, New York
“Mr. Johnson was able to perfectly connect important self-esteem lessons with wonderful magic. Students and staff were spell-bound, focused, and energized while learning lessons. Cris was able to keep the audience engaged and excited throughout the 45-50 minute [Character Education Assembly] program. He was upbeat, enthusiastic and did a wonderful job complimenting our ‘No Put-Downs, Do Build-Ups’ program and school theme ‘Character Counts’!”
Dr. Shirlee Paveljack, Principal
Forest Elementary
Williamsville, New York
“Thanks again for coming to Hill and Plain. It is so hard to find Character Education programs for our young students but your shows NEVER disappoint. Several teachers remarked how good you are and I love your messages: The message about not judging others from what they see but how you got to get to know the student and know them from the inside. Also the last magic trick about including others…that visual was so ON key. Having the white little block left out was so evident to the students and they comprehended well. I also loved the magic trick where the strong kid can’t pick up the box…it was perfect for that particular kid because he’s pretty popular and having him not be the “one” that succeeds was perfect.”
Heliett Sanchez, School Counselor
Hill And Plain School
New Milford, CT
“This was a fast-paced, lively production perfect for the elementary audiences. Cris went out of his way to involve all of the audience. His message was clear and he modeled good character through his use of humor and politeness. Outstanding!”
Scott Wright, Principal
Kendal Elementary School
Kendall, NY
“Hi Cris, we were all very pleased with your performances. I’ve heard only positive comments. I appreciate that you altered it for the older kids. The magic was really great!”
Noelle Riesenman, Cultural Arts Chairperson
Maple Road Elementary
West Milfiord, NJ