(716) 940-8963

logo of primary elementary and middle school bully prevention & anti-bullying assembly performer Cris Johnson

An Anti-Bullying School Assembly For Middle Schools!

Middle schools need assemblies on bullying too! Middle school is a volatile time for children. Conflicts, growing up, cliques, and more can escalate bullying in schools. To combat this, I’ve created a special anti-bullying school assembly program for middle school kids.

This program is titled: “The Right Choice,” and it’s filled with incredible Criss Angel-style magic which really appeals to middle schoolers.

This middle school program is appropriate for grades 5-8 and runs from 40-45 minutes. The main topics covered in this program are:

  • Diversity: how we are all the same AND different and why that’s a great thing
  • Different forms of bullying
  • RESPECT: how you have to give it in order to get it
  • The concept of EMPATHY defined
  • Why it’s so important to open up if you’re being bullied
  • Twenty (yes, 20!) ways of handling bullying in schools
  • And much more!


The messages I present in this middle school assembly are the most important part of the program. But without a fun ‘hook,’ your students won’t pay attention. As with my other school assemblies, the magic and fun helps illustrate the concepts and lessons in the program. And the magic I use is designed to appeal to middle schoolers. Here are a few examples:

  • A borrowed $1 from the audience is instantly transformed into a $5…and given away!
  • One of your school’s teachers reads the mind of a student
  • I play a ‘danger’ game with one student, leading to a fun surprise
  • I use empathy to step into the mind of one student and recreate a drawing in their mind!
  • A crazy snake jumping out of a basket illustrates the different forms of bullying (don’t worry, it’s NOT a real snake!).


I guarantee your middle school students will be riveted from the beginning to the end of this fun and amazing middle school assembly!

This assembly program can be booked on its own if your school is a middle school building. If your school building houses grades K-8, I can present a version of “No Bully Zone” to grades K-4 and then present “The Right Choice” to grades 5-8.

Call (716) 940-8963 (that’s my cell phone number) or fill out the Contact Form above to get “No Bully Zone” and “The Right Choice” information emailed right to you. I’m looking forward to helping make YOUR school a “No Bully Zone!”

picture of primary elementary and middle school assembly performer Cris Johnson

Fill out the contact form below to get more Middle School Assembly Info

testimonial graphic for best educational elementary school assemblies performer magician Cris Johnson
testimonial graphic for best educational elementary school assemblies performer magician Cris Johnson
testimonial graphic for best educational elementary school assemblies performer magician Cris Johnson
picture of primary elementary and middle school assembly performer Cris Johnson
kids watching primary elementary and middle school assembly performer Cris Johnson
picture of primary elementary and middle school assembly performer Cris Johnson