Statistics do show that the rate of drug use remains at a high level for young people. Part of the myth of “experimentation” is that drug use is an inevitable rite of passage from adolescence into adulthood. However, not every young person will has tried or will try drugs. Additionally, not all young drug users will use drugs without consequences, and many will not emerge unscathed as if it had simply been a phase.
Using the word “experimentation” along with drug use can be extremely misleading. The use of the word implies, again, that drug use is just a phase that will inevitably pass. Experimentation is a one time event. If the pattern of behavior continues, subsequent intoxication indicates misuse, abuse and addiction.
When talking with our kids about drugs, it’s important to remind them that trying drugs is NOT by any means a necessary rite of passage into adulthood. It’s time to put this harmful myth to rest!