Let’s face it: all of the academic achievements in the world are great, but another equal key to success is the kind of person your child will grow up to become. There are so many negative influences in a child’s life, from other kids, the poor example that “reality TV celebrities” set, and so much more. It sometimes feels as though we’ve lost our way.

That’s where I come in.

For the last (nearly) 20 years, I’ve delivered substantial character-building school assemblies in 34 states that encourage children to not only put forth their best effort but also be of moral character. If you’ve looked at the rest of this site, you know that my programs focus on such key character-building topics such as bully prevention, reading appreciation, respect, perseverance, and many more.

I’m proud of the programs I’ve put together and more importantly, my past clients LOVE what I do…that’s why this site is loaded with client comments from PTO/PTA parents, principals, teachers, and school counselors from all over the country.

While adults may love my programs, children love them too and more importantly, they will REMEMBER the concepts long after I’m gone. Anyone can come in and entertain the kids, but few can entertain them while educating them – I’m constantly told stories from parents about how their kids came home after one of my programs and talked not only about the magic, but more importantly my concepts and motivational lessons.

The best part? In addition to the elementary school age level, I have created this special middle school section of my website to really drive home the point that I have specific middle school assembly programs not only on many of the other topics on this site but also a few topics specifically just for middle schools.

Additionally, many schools are K-8 buildings so I am required to do a K-4 version of a program plus a grades 5-8 program. When that happens, both programs are completely different!

And when I say “different,” I mean it – I have different magic tricks, different music and humor and so forth to ‘reach’ whatever age level I’m presenting. A lot of assembly presenters just do the same show, same tricks, same everything, and claim by just altering their ‘onstage persona’ they can gear the program toward each age level.

Don’t believe their claims! I’ve lost count of how many times I’m told, “we are SO glad you offer different versions of your assembly! Our last presenter just did it one way and the older students were SO bored!”

My dedication to bringing you the best program possible means if I’m doing two assemblies (or more) in one day at your school, I bring a LOT of extra equipment with me. It doesn’t bother me because I actually find it easier to do two shows because of those differences!

Oh, one other thing – don’t worry if your school’s schedule only allows time for one assembly for the entire student population at once. I have created great “all ages” versions of each assembly topic, too!

Long story short: your kids will thank you for the positive adventure my assemblies will bring. Rather than potentially locking horns with the school faculty over taking time away from classroom duties, the school’s faculty will be thanking you for such an enriching event…guaranteed! You’ll be a “hero” to everyone in your school!

Before I forget…because I know how hard the PTO/PTA works to raise funds, I’ve created several ways to save big on your assemblies! Be sure to request the special reports I’ve written! Just by filling out the contact form on the “Contact” page, you’ll have instant access to money-saving reports, things to watch out for from the ‘lower tier’ of assembly presenters and more. And it’s all FREE!

Finally, I mentioned the word ‘guarantee’ a few moments ago…because I’m so sure of my ability to make good on my promises that I offer a 100% “Better-Than-Money-Back Guarantee:” If, after the assemblies are over, you don’t feel that I delivered valuable content wrapped in a fun atmosphere for your kids, I will cheerfully return your check to you PLUS donate $500 to your school’s PTO/PTA! I should tell you, however, that in nearly 20 years of performing over 200 programs a year, I’ve never had anyone take me up on this guarantee!

I look forward to working with you to help mold this generation of children into tomorrow’s leaders!


Middle School PTA, PTO, Cris Johnson

Cris Johnson